We provide scheduled services and MOTs for all makes and models.
Air Conditioning, Repairs, Clutches, Cam belts | Wheel Bearings, Brakes, Tyres, Batteries, Exhausts

Our Services FIND US
SJM Auto Services, Fleming Road, Enterprise Way, Pinchbeck, pe11 3yr. tel: 01775 725819

What We Do

SJM Auto Services is owned by Simon Mills, who has more than 30 years experience in car repairs and diagnostics.

SJM was set up in 1989 in Spalding’s Pinchbeck Road and has been at its current site in Fleming Road, off Enterprise Way, Pinchbeck, for about 11 years.

Simon and his small, friendly team have a wealth of experience in all aspects of car mechanics and provide a full range of MOT, servicing, diagnostics and repairs on all makes and models of cars.

SJM is a member of the Independent Garage Association, part of the Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMIF).

SJM Auto Services can take care of your car’s air conditioning, clutch, cam belt, battery, exhaust, tyres, wheel bearings – and the rest.

MOT & Servicing

SJM Auto Services provides professional scheduled servicing and MOTs on all makes and models of cars, light commercial and hybrid vehicles.
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Air Conditioning

Keep your cool with SJM Auto Services’ FREE air con check. We can also carry out all servicing and repairs.
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SJM will get to the bottom of that dashboard light using a full range of state-of-the-art diagnostic systems.
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FREE top-ups and bulbs for existing customers. Loan car available.